DynaBone Presets


DynaBone Presets is an easy to use system that allows you to quickly setup Dynamic Bones for Generic, Humanoid & Animal setups!

*One License Per Seat


Not only can you easily setup Dynamic Bone Components but you can utilize the default presets provided to quickly setup character bones, cloth settings and animal tail settings.

You can also create custom presets which can be utilized within the DynaBone Presets system, providing a quick and easy way to save your setups and re-create them with ease!

In order to utilize DynaBone you MUST OWN a copy of Dynamic Bone!​

What You Get
  • 1 Main Script (DynaBone Presets)
  • 19 Default Presets
    (11 Human, 3 Animal & 3 Cloth Types *Cloak, Cape & Skirt*, 1 Tail and 1 Ears)
  • Custom Animation Curves Library
  • Documentation
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